No Phishing! How to Avoid Getting Scammed.

How to Avoid Getting Scammed blog

These days, it’s easy to stay electronically connected to your financial accounts and businesses you trust. More and more often, online criminals pose as organizations to trick people into providing sensitive information or access to their accounts. They do this through a scam known as phishing.

How Phishing Scams Work

Scammers take advantage of the ease with which we use email. Their phishing emails appear to be from financial institutions, credit card companies, online stores, government agencies, and other trusted entities.

Phishing emails trick you into giving up personal information like account numbers, passwords, or your Social Security number. Scammers use this to get access to your banking accounts or install malware on your computer.

Phishing emails lure you by pretending to be a routine message, making a threat, or promising something you want. These emails often appear legitimate by including a company logo or other familiar details, making them trickier to detect.

Look for Warning Signs

Be on the lookout for these warning signs that could indicate a scammer is looking for your information:

A phishing email wants you to respond in some way. The email may:

Don’t Get Hooked

There are several steps you can take to avoid being a victim. Before you respond to any email:

Protect Yourself

Spam filters may keep some phishing emails out of your inbox, but scammers are constantly trying ways to outsmart them, so adding extra layers of protection is a smart move.

Set up two-factor authentication. When you add two-factor authentication, scammers can’t access your account with your password alone. You will need to provide additional information, such as a confirmation code emailed or texted to you or a passcode from an authentication app to log in to the account.

To activate two-factor authentication to protect your Firefighters First accounts:

Here are some extra ways you can protect yourself against phishing and spoofing when banking with us:

What if You Responded to a Phishing Email?

When you know the signs of phishing, you can avoid taking the bait. Call us with questions or concerns anytime at 800-231-1626 or visit our security resources to learn more about privacy and security measures you can take to stay safe.